Burnet cheerleaders overcome hurdles in state trip

The Burnet High School cheer team performed at the UIL State Spirit Championship on Jan. 17 in Fort Worth. Photo courtesy of Kristen Atwood
The Burnet High School cheer squad has pushed through a season of “ups and downs” to make it to state and national competitions. Head coach Kristen Atwood praised the team’s “unmatched perseverance, dedication, and heart” after their performance at the University Interscholastic League State Spirit Championship on Jan. 17 in Fort Worth.
At state, squads execute routines showcasing their crowd-leading skills and athleticism, first in a qualifying round and, for some, in the championship round, where they do a second routine.
While Burnet did not make it to the finals, the team delivered a strong performance.
“Every jump, every tumbling pass, every stunt—each movement was executed with passion and pride,” Atwood said in an email to DailyTrib.com.
The leadup to state was marked with challenges.
“In the early part of the season, injuries, illnesses, and even personal struggles made things difficult,” Atwood said. “The ups and downs took their toll … but through it all, the team remained united, supporting one another and pushing through the tough times.”
Burnet faced another hurdle just a day before competition when it had to make last-minute changes to its routine.
“The team had to scramble to adjust, rework formations, and figure out how to deliver a performance that was not only cohesive but would showcase everything they had worked for,” Atwood said.
While Burnet did not bring home a trophy, the experience was still a win.
“The true victory was in the journey itself,” Atwood said. “Every single team member had pushed their limits and had left it all on the mat.”
The Burnet cheerleaders aren’t done with big-stage competition. The squad heads to the National Cheer Association High School National Championship on Friday-Sunday, Jan. 24-26.
“This is just the beginning for them, and we can’t wait to see what they achieve in the future,” Atwood said.