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NEW BIZ: D’Lites in Marble Falls dishes out diet-friendly ice cream

D’Lites owner Prat Parajuli cuts a ribbon during an opening day celebration June 14, 2024, at her new ice cream shop at 2511 U.S. 281 North in Marble Falls. Staff photo by Nathan Bush

Calorie counters can still indulge at D’Lites ice cream shop in Marble Falls. The new business serves scoops that are low in carbs, sugar, and calories but big on flavor. It opened its doors at 2511 U.S. 281 North on Friday, June 14.

The D’Lites menu features a variety of flavors based on popular desserts with special ingredients that boost flavor.

“We use water-based extracts to add flavoring,” owner Prat Parajuli said. “It doesn’t taste super sugary, but you still get a lot of flavor.”

Mexican vanilla is a key addition.

“It adds flavor,” Parajuli said. “It’s kind of like sugar-free coffee syrup.”

D’Lites also sells goods from Wio, a low-carb food and wellness brand that makes “smart foods.”

“Everything in the store is low-carb,” Parajuli said. 

D’Lites, 2511 U.S. 281 North in Marble Falls in the old Tuesday Morning shopping center, is open daily from 11 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Visit its Facebook page for more information and a menu.

2 thoughts on “NEW BIZ: D’Lites in Marble Falls dishes out diet-friendly ice cream

  1. My wife & I had a chance to try the Salted Caramel, & it was DELICIOUS!!! You would never know that it was diet friendly. We will definitely be loyal customers.

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