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PHOTOS: Prayers for Inda Williams

UPDATE: Alan Williams announced in a social media post on Saturday, Jan. 4, that his wife, Inda Williams, died earlier that day. In the video post, he expressed gratitude for the community’s support and prayers.

PREVIOUS STORY: Over 100 people gathered at 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 3, at the Marble Falls Chick-fil-A to pray for Inda Williams, a well-known community supporter and volunteer, who had a heart attack on Dec. 29.

As of Friday afternoon, Inda was in a medically induced coma. Her family announced they would be removing her from life support by 7 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 4, putting her fate in God’s hands.

“I am so grateful for the outpouring of support and prayers,” said Inda’s husband, Alan Williams, at the prayer meeting. “I never imagined this … and my heart hurts.”

Inda and Alan Williams have owned and operated the Chick-fil-A in Marble Falls for nearly eight years. They have developed strong relationships with the Highland Lakes faith community and donated their time and resources to many charitable causes.

Alan asked the community to pray for “clarity,” “miraculous healing,” “mercy,” “open doors and closed doors,” “peace,” and “her desires with Jesus.”

Marble Falls Chick-fil-A Marketing Director Megan Sluder and General Manager Andrew Rocha, both close friends of the couple, led the community in prayer and decorated the restaurant with hand-drawn calls for prayer.

Alan closed the prayer meeting with a unified lion’s roar from those gathered on behalf of his wife, calling for strength in the coming days. 

Staff photos and video by Dakota Morrissiey