Crisis Network: Feminine hygiene items often overlooked when donating
The Highland Lakes Crisis Network is accepting donations of feminine hygiene products to supply those in need. Contributions may be dropped off from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday-Friday through Jan. 31 at the network’s office, 1007 Broadway in Marble Falls.
Needed items include tampons, pads, liners, diva cups, feminine wipes, and hot water bottles.
“Most of our clients are single moms or parents with families,” said Jaelyn Nelson, the Crisis Network’s AmeriCorps VISTA member. “It’s an added weight to pay for (these items).”
She said people often must choose between buying food or feminine products, and food wins out. Yet, both are important healthwise. Feminine hygiene products can help fight off infections and other serious medical conditions, and requests are typically high at homeless shelters.
“It is a need that people don’t hear about because people get embarrassed,” Nelson said. “So, anybody who has anything they can bring would be amazing.”
People donate money, food, and clothing to organizations such as the Crisis Network but often don’t realize other needs exist, such as feminine products.
“I think it’s another way for women to feel more empowered,” Nelson said. “It’s an added stress they don’t have to worry about.”
Visit the Highland Lakes Crisis Network website or call 325-423-3662 for more information about this and other ways you can help or to request assistance.