Highland Lakes Legacy Fund seeking nominations for outstanding volunteer award
The Highland Lakes Legacy Fund is seeking nominations for outstanding volunteers in the community.
The 2019 Outstanding Community Volunteer Award will be presented to a person who, through dedication, commitment, and contributions as a volunteer with an organization, has made a significant impact on the quality of life in the community.
The recipient will be honored during the Highland Lakes Legacy Fund’s Celebration of Giving banquet on Nov. 7 in Horseshoe Bay. The honoree’s name will be inscribed on a granite plaque presented that evening.
Local organizations are encouraged to nominate a volunteer by completing the application and submitting it by April 5 via mail to 620 Hi Ridge, Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657, or via email to dklaeger@gmail.com.
All organizations submitting nominations will be notified over the summer of the recipient of the award. The Legacy Fund will also recognize the recipient in a video presentation during the Celebration of Giving banquet in November.
For more information, email fund advisory board member Donna Klaeger at dklaeger@gmail.com.