Crawfish and cowboys at the Llano Crawfish Open

Get your fill of crawfish at the Llano Crawfish Open April 20 and 21. Staff Photo
What started as a simple “thank-you” from Cajun hunters has grown into two jam-packed days of food, music and fun in Llano.The Llano Crawfish Open, April 19-20, includes crawfish, barbecue, jambalaya, potatoes and corn. But that’s just the food. You can also catch the Crawfish Team Roping event at the rodeo arena, although it’s not really crawfish being roped!
You can work off your meal by visiting arts-and-crafts vendors or bidding at the auction. Sign up for the 5K walk/run, the golf tournament or the motorcycle fun run. If you eat enough, you might need to sign up for it all!
The weekend concludes this year with a performance by Jason Boland & The Stragglers at the Llano Park Pavilion.
The Llano Crawfish Open began in 1989 as a charity golf event that ended in some good eatin’! The initial money raised went to buy a motorized wheelchair for a man with multiple sclerosis. Contributions have also gone to the Llano Special Opportunity Center and Meals on Wheels.
For more, call (325) 247-2270 or visit