GOVERNMENT MEETINGS: For the week of Jan. 13, 2025

Here is the meeting schedule for government entities in the Highland Lakes. Agendas are posted 72 hours before a meeting so are not always ready by the time this story is published. Check the links for more information.
Monday, Jan. 13
Marble Falls Parks and Recreation Commission
Noon regular meeting
Council Chambers at City Hall, 800 Third St.
- presentation and recommendation on trails master plan
- possible amendment to ordinance on development
Tuesday, Jan. 14
Burnet County Commissioners Court
9 a.m. regular meeting
Second-floor courtroom at county courthouse, 220 S. Pierce St., Burnet
- appointment of commissioner to serve as representative on CAMPO Board of Directors
- appointment of new Precinct 4 justice of the peace
Burnet City Council
6 p.m. regular meeting
Council Chambers, 2402 U.S. 281 South
Agenda wasn’t available at the time of this story’s publication.
Granite Shoals City Council
6 p.m. regular meeting
City Hall, 2221 N. Phillips Ranch Road
Agenda wasn’t available at the time of this story’s publication.
Thursday, Jan. 16
Highland Haven Board of Alderman
7 p.m. regular meeting
City Offices, 510 Highland Drive, Suite A
- training session for Board of Alderman, Planning and Zoning, city staff, and/or elected or appointed officials on what’s ahead for Texas cities
Cottonwood Shores City Council
6 p.m. regular meeting
City Hall, 4111 Cottonwood Drive
Agenda wasn’t available at the time of this story’s publication.
Friday, Jan. 17
Pedernales Electric Cooperative Board of Directors
9 a.m. regular meeting
Auditorium at PEC Headquarters, 201 S. Avenue F, Johnson City
Agenda wasn’t available at the time of this story’s publication.
1 thought on “GOVERNMENT MEETINGS: For the week of Jan. 13, 2025”
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Let Damon be on the CAMPO board. We need some help in his precint. Not a bridge like the last judge got but help with TxDot on 3 dangerous roads around Briggs.