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TPWD makes big buys for Hill Country parks, eyes more land

Colorado Bend State Park in Texas

Colorado Bend State Park is growing after a recent land purchase and could get even bigger if the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission approves another land buy during its Jan. 22 meeting. Staff photo by Jennifer Greenwell

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is in the process of acquiring thousands of acres of land to add to iconic Hill Country state parks and natural areas, including Enchanted Rock and Colorado Bend in the Highland Lakes area. 

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission also plans another land purchase near Colorado Bend State Park, located in Burnet and Lampasas counties, a decision on which the public can offer feedback leading up to the commission’s Jan. 22 meeting.

During the commission’s last meeting on Nov. 6-7, it authorized TPWD staff to move forward on big land buys near Colorado Bend, Enchanted Rock State Natural Area on the Gillespie-Llano county line, and Garner State Park in Uvalde County.

When these purchases are finalized:

  • Enchanted Rock will increase by 3,073 acres;
  • Colorado Bend by 2,020 acres;
  • and a whole new state park might be formed with 1,721 acres along the Frio River near Garner State Park.

The commission is also considering buying an additional 1,100 acres near Colorado Bend. With the previously approved purchase and this proposed one, the state park would expand by 58 percent from its current 5,300 acres to 8,420 acres. The park is known for Gorman Falls, spring-fed pools, ample hiking trails, scenic vistas, access to a wild stretch of the Colorado River, and extensive cave systems.

Texas residents can comment online on the latest proposed land purchase for Colorado Bend until 5 p.m. Jan. 22.