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Popular Cottonwood Shores park gets restrooms; others await facilities

Aspen Park in Cottonwood Shores Texas

The new covered playground at Aspen Park in Cottonwood Shores increased visits to the park and put a spotlight on the need for restrooms. The city approved the construction of a restroom at that park and three other parks. City of Cottonwood Shores photo

Aspen Park in Cottonwood Shores now has a restroom thanks to dedicated funding from the city. Nearly $30,000 also has been set aside to build restrooms at three other parks in the small, lakeside community.

In 2023, the city installed a large covered playground at Aspen Park, 4101 Lakeview Drive, which resulted in an uptick in visitors and a need for restrooms. The city also allocated enough money for restrooms at Cottonwood Shores Boat Ramp, Noah Thompson Park, and P Squared Skate Park throughout 2024.

“(These restroom additions) are long overdue,” City Administrator J.C. Hughes told 

The Cottonwood Shores City Council on Oct. 17 approved $27,800 to build three new restroom facilities following the completion of the one at Aspen Park.

“Cottonwood Shores is blessed with an abundance of open-space parks, which is unusual for a city our size,” Hughes wrote in a media release. “Four of our heavily visited parks are lacking in basic restroom facilities and with the support of the Parks Committee and the City Council, staff is helping to correct that issue.”