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9/11 donation drive for firefighters

To remember the lives lost in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the Burnet County Attorney’s Office is holding a donation drive throughout September for local firefighters. Staff photo by Elizabeth De Los Santos

In memory of the lives lost in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the Burnet County Attorney’s Office is accepting donations through September to benefit local fire departments. 

Donations may be dropped off at the Burnet County Courthouse, 220 S. Pierce St. in Burnet, from now through Sept. 30.

Requested items include:

  • cases of water
  • Gatorade
  • Bob’s Pickle Pops sports drinks
  • granola bars
  • fruit snacks
  • Slim Jims meat sticks
  • beef jerky
  • trail mix
  • gum
  • Liquid I.V. electrolyte drink mix
  • DripDrop electrolyte drink mix
  • Rice Krispie Treats
  • baby wipes
  • lip balm
  • cooling towels
  • hand warmers
  • Body Armor drinks

The Burnet County Attorney’s Office responded to the call of the Commissioners Court during a recent meeting to honor 9/11 in some way. Office Manager Jana Mitchell and staffers organized the drive.

“After asking some questions, we came up with a list of essential items to gather,” Mitchell said. “We hope to collect enough throughout the month to distribute to all of the departments in the county.”

Burnet County Attorney Eddie Arredondo emphasized the importance of 9/11. 

“It was a horrible day, and it’s something that we will always remember,” he said. “This is a small but meaningful way to show that, even after all these years, we still care about the lives lost on that day.”

For more information about the donation drive, contact the Burnet County Attorney’s Office.