Residents protest Burnet rock crusher
Residents gathered at the Burnet Community Center on Sunday, Sept. 1, to protest a proposed permanent rock-crushing facility to be built just outside of the city limits. Asphalt Inc. LLC has applied for an air quality standard permit from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for an operation at 3221 FM 3509.
The facility would break down large rocks and concrete for use in construction materials. Some residents are worried about its impact on the environment and community. According to, which organized the meeting, concerns include air and water pollution, noise pollution, and increased traffic from heavy trucks carrying gravel on the farm-to-market road.
“People like to think, ‘It’s over there. Who cares,’” said Fermin Ortiz, a founding member of Texans for Responsible Aggregate Mining and a speaker at Sunday’s meeting. “But we need to stop industrialization of the Hill Country. it’s our Texas Hill Country, all of ours, and we have a responsibility to protect it. And that’s why we should be engaged and involved.”
The TCEQ is reviewing Asphalt Inc.’s permit application. The state commission will consider public input before making a final decision. Residents have 30 days from the notice publication date of Aug. 20 to submit written comments. Comments may be mailed to the TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk at MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087, or submitted electronically through the TCEQ website.