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Agendas are posted 72 hours before a meeting so are not always ready by the time this list is published. Check links for more information.

Monday, Aug. 12

Llano County Commissioners Court

9 a.m. regular meeting

Justice of the Peace Precinct 4 courtroom, 2001 Texas 16 in Llano

On the agenda:

  • approval of several plats and replats as well as variance requests for building outside of normal plat parameters
  • potential change from Hill Country Transit District to Capital Area Rural Transportation for public transportation in Llano County
  • county budget workshop for 2024-25 fiscal year

Tuesday, Aug. 13

Burnet County Commissioners Court

9 a.m. regular meeting

Second-floor courtroom, Burnet County Courthouse, 220 S. Pierce St. in Burnet

On the agenda:

  • consideration and possible approval of a new tax note that would levy an annual ad valorem tax on Burnet County residents
  • presentation of no-new-revenue tax rates and 2024 certified property values
  • schedule public hearings on a new tax rate and 2024-25 budget
  • discussion and possible action on proposed maximum raises for elected officials to be posted in the local newspaper of record
  • order of the Nov. 5 general election, appointment of election judges, and relocation of Precinct 15 polling location

Horseshoe Bay City Council

3 p.m. regular meeting

Council Chambers, 1 Community Drive in Horseshoe Bay

The agenda had not been posted at the time of this story’s publication.

Burnet City Council

6 p.m. regular meeting 

City Hall, 1001 Buchanan Drive in Burnet

The agenda had not been posted at the time of this story’s publication.

Granite Shoals City Council

6 p.m. regular meeting

City Hall, 2221 N. Phillips Ranch Road in Granite Shoals

The agenda had not been posted at the time of this story’s publication.

Bertram City Council

6 p.m. regular meeting 

City Hall, 110 E. Vaughan St. in Bertram

The city of Bertram does not post its City Council meeting agendas, notices, or minutes online. Agendas can be seen on the city’s bulletin board in front of City Hall 72 hours prior to the meeting. Minutes can be requested from city staff during normal business hours.

The Bertram City Council meets at 6 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month.

Thursday, Aug. 15

Sunrise Beach Village City Council

1:30 p.m. regular meeting

City Hall, 124 Sunrise Drive in Sunrise Beach Village

The agenda had not been posted at the time of this story’s publication.

Cottonwood Shores City Council

6 p.m. regular meeting

Civic Center, 4111 Cottonwood Drive in Cottonwood Shores

The agenda had not been posted at the time of this story’s publication.