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New seating to be added to Main Street green space

Downtown Marble Falls green space

The Marble Falls Economic Development Corp. voted to add two stone tree rings that will double as benches in the green space by Harmony Park, 209 Main St., during its April 7 meeting. Construction should be completed by the beginning of summer. Staff photo by Brigid Cooley

Downtown Marble Falls visitors soon will have new outdoor seating. During its April 7 meeting, the Marble Falls Economic Development Corp. board voted to fund the stonework and construction of seat-height tree rings in the green space adjacent to Harmony Park, 209 Main St. in Marble Falls.

“We don’t want a permanent table and chairs sitting in the middle of our grassy area,” board President Steve Reitz said during the meeting. “(This seating) will really soften the space, too, and you get a good feeling for it.” 

Construction will include a cap and encasement of a pre-existing concrete wall that runs between the sidewalk and the lawn as well as two tree rings. The EDC is providing the entire $10,750 for the project, which should be completed by the beginning of the summer.  

The rings will serve as benches and add to Phase 1 of the Downtown Plaza project. 

In March 2020, city staff began working with PLACE Designers Inc. to develop conceptual designs for a downtown plaza, said Erin Burks, the city’s downtown coordinator. The three-phase project could turn the existing parking lot at the southeast intersection of Third and Main streets into a plaza with community spaces, including a splash pad, food truck vending plugs, and a movable deck.

The first phase of the project focuses on the green space located on the east side of the proposed plaza. The project will move out of Phase 1 once more downtown parking is available.

The EDC allocated funding for the $20,000 green space last year. A funding strategy for the remainder of the plaza, which includes city property, has not been announced. 

During the meeting, Burks also highlighted other recent improvements, including the music systems spaced across the downtown area to provide ambience and banners at Marble Falls Downtown District entry points to help designate the area. She also said a patio project for Old Oak Square, 305 Main St., will be brought before the Marble Falls City Council during its April 20 meeting.