Burnet County adds to stay-home order
After Burnet County government and health officials became aware of questions and concerns over public behavior during its Stay in Place and Stay Safe order, such as large numbers of people shopping at major retailers at one time, County Judge James Oakley issued a supplemental order March 30 to address them.
The supplemental order goes into effect at noon Tuesday, March 31.
It directs businesses considered essential to limit the number of individuals within the facility, including customers and employees, to the “lesser of 200 individuals or 10 percent of the Fire Code occupancy limit for the building. If the Fire Code occupancy limit would not allow for customers to enter the premises under this provision, then customers may be allowed to enter the business one at a time.”
Businesses also need to maintain social distancing standards for customers and staff.
The supplemental order closes motel and hotel pools and hot tubs. It also clears up questions about whether certain businesses are essential or non-essential. Businesses deemed non-essential under the supplemental order include: barbershops, beauty salons, nail salons, tanning salons, massage therapy providers, spas, tattoo parlors, boutiques, jewelry stores, antique shops, second-hand shops, thrift stores, gift shops, vape shops, party supply stores, video stores, bookstores, and comic book shops.
For a list of businesses and activities considered essential, refer to the original order.
The supplemental order allows for drive-through car washes where the driver doesn’t get out of their vehicle and no service provider gets in it. Self-serve car washes can remain open as well.
When people are running essential errands, they are directed to limit the number of individuals making the trip and to maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet from others.
Oakley’s supplemental order also stresses that essential businesses conduct operations in a manner that limits person-to-person interaction as much as possible.
“The public is directed to be smart, use common sense and take appropriate precautionary measures to protect yourself, your family and your community,” the order states.
Also added into the supplemental order is that, while boating is allowed, occupants are limited to 10 or fewer people and must be from the same household.
The complete supplemental order is available online.
For more on how COVID-19 is affecting the Highland Lakes, visit the DailyTrib.com coronavirus resources webpage.
9 thoughts on “Burnet County adds to stay-home order”
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I am sure the judge did not intend for the older shopping group to be exposed to the weather elements. I think he has done a great job trying to protect our county. Do we really need explicit, minute details and instructions? We are grown ups. Use common sense to deduce what is and what is not essential. He can’t please everyone but he is doing a dang fine job.
Are people who rent a short term rental considered a household? We need to address the elephant in the room. IMO, if our local “non essential” businesses need to shutter, why are we still allowing vacation rentals? These non essential businesses bring outsiders into our community. The governor of Florida shut them down in his state. What is stopping us from doing the same? Are Vacation Rentals essential to Burnet County? And if so, why aren’t salons? Restaurants? Party boats? Let’s apply the rules to all or not apply them at all.
short-term rentals should not be allowed to continue too many kids too many adults all-in-one place at the same time not healthy for anyone. This is not an essential business. I saw 10 people at least out on a boat yesterday and they definitely were not from the same family. It’s a joke to issue advisories and then have no one enforce them.
What about veterinarys and animal care providers? Are they considered essential? I can’t find a answer in either of the two orders put out.
Unfortunately you did not consider the older people who came to Walmart at 6:00 A.M. to shop when it was supposed to be safer and had to wait in the cold north wind this morning for 30 minutes or longer, because of your order. That was not safe for our health.
This is a joke. Telling all these businesses to enforce the order, when law enforcement officials aren’t. There needs to be some sort penalty. Let’s get all these people to take this seriously.
Good call, Judge.
Better safe than SORRY!
Dear Judge Oakley,
I assume when you refer to boating and “same household” this does not include short term rentals which could include a large group of young people from different families. We’ve seen many boats packed with 20 year olds who clearly are not from the same household in the true sense of the word. You might want to define “household” so that we are all clear about what that means. Thank you.
Webster Dictionary definition of “household”
those who dwell under the same roof and compose a family also : a social unit composed of those living together in the same dwelling