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COVID-19: Highland Lakes cities change how they do business

Marble Falls City Hall

Several Highland Lakes cities have changed some of their day-to-day operations to help slow the spread of COVID-19. The city of Marble Falls is waiving some credit card fees as well as reminding residents they can use the payment dropbox on the west side of City Hall. Staff photo by Daniel Clifton

Highland Lakes cities are making changes to day-to-day business as officials try to slow the spread of COVID-19.

On March 16, the city of Horseshoe Bay announced it was closing its City Hall lobby “as a precautionary measure,” according to an emailed statement. Residents can continue to pay utility bills online, through the dropbox in the City Hall parking lot, or by mail.

Horseshoe Bay City Hall is located at 1 Community Drive. Call the city at 830-598-8741 for more information.

Also on March 16, the city of Marble Falls sent out a statement that, per public health officials and Marble Falls Emergency Management, the city is canceling all city facility rentals for the next 30 days.

This applies to Lakeside Pavilion, Westside Community Hall, and the Johnson Park pavilions and amphitheater. A city official would reach out to those who had rented any of these facilities within the specified timeframe to discuss options regarding refunds or rescheduling.

“The health and safety of our community is our top priority, and while the decision to put renting city facilities on hold is unfortunate, we feel it is the right thing to do amid the spread of this virus,” the city stated in a media release.

The city of Marble Falls also implemented steps to help utility customers for 30 days starting March 17. These include:

  • waiving credit card fees for people who pay over the phone or online;
  • waiving late fees;
  • and not disconnecting utility services for non-payment.

The city has a payment dropbox on the west side of City Hall for customers’ use.

Marble Falls City Hall is located at 300 Third St. Call the city at 830-693-3615 for more information.

The city of Granite Shoals announced the cancellation of some meetings and events, including GraniteFest, as of March 17.

Other cancellations include:

  • the planning and zoning meeting (March 17);
  • senior citizen activities at the Community Center (March 17, 19, 24, and 26);
  • AA class at the Community Center (March 18 and 25);
  • the Parks Committee meeting (April 2);
  • and the Streets and Water Committee meeting (April 6).

The city of Llano previously made changes to its lobby operations during the COVID-19 outbreak.