Marble Falls recognizes new police captains, beautification efforts, city website changes
Two newly promoted Marble Falls Police Department captains were recognized during the City Council meeting March 5.
Police Chief Mark Whitacre introduced Trisha Ratliff and Robert Talamantes to council members.
Ratliff is Criminal Investigations Division captain; Talamantes is Patrol Division captain.
In other recognitions, the council presented the 2018 Community Pride Awards to Homestead at Mormon Mill and Vitalogy.
The Community Pride Awards are the city’s way of encouraging residents to enhance the appearance of the community. The city holds a beautification contest with the annual Spring Clean event.
Residents might have noticed some recent changes to the city’s website. Three staff members from the website redesign committee reviewed those changes during the meeting.
City Secretary Christina McDonald said the city is able to redesign its website every five years through its vendor.
The search bar is prominently featured on every city website page, city park or pavilion reservations are more easily accessible, and map functions were made more user-friendly.
The site is also now more mobile-friendly.
According to a media release, the city “anticipates the new site will increase community engagement and enhance the communications between residents and government leaders.”