Shop Small Saturday shines spotlight on local businesses
From Bertram over to Llano, down to Johnson City, and up through Marble Falls to Burnet — with a stop in Kingsland — the Highland Lakes is blessed with a great number and variety of small businesses.
As the Christmas shopping season — or any shopping reason for that matter — arrives, this is prime time to explore locally owned retail businesses. While you could head to Austin and San Antonio or go online to do your Christmas shopping, why not explore the great selection of stores found here in the Highland Lakes.
In fact, many are one-of-a-kind — you won’t find their products anywhere else.
This Saturday, Nov. 24, is the perfect excuse to visit Highland Lakes stores and shops as it’s Small Business Saturday, sometimes called Shop Small Saturday. The idea, initiated by American Express several years ago, is to highlight the many small businesses that form the strong economic backbone of the country.
So, after rushing about on Black Friday — or taking it off for #OptOutside — give Highland Lakes small businesses a chance. You might discover that you never have to fight Austin holiday traffic again.