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Public hearing set for new Manzano Mile development

This is the general area of the proposed Manzano Mile Public Improvement District, which would serve a 250-acre development planned for land across the street from Marble Falls High School. NOTE: This image is to show the general location of the Manzano Mile PID; it is not the exact dimensions of the district.

A public hearing is Feb. 18 on the formation of a public improvement district for a new development along Manzano Mile in Marble Falls. The proposed development, Pleasant Valley Estates, will span roughly 253 acres across the road from Marble Falls High School.

The development will include single-family homes, multi-family housing, apartments, public parks, and some commercial lots, according to Marble Falls leaders. It will be years in the making.

The Feb. 18 public hearing is a mandatory step in the formation of the Manzano Mile Public Improvement District, a funding mechanism that will be used to pay back Pleasant Valley Estates developers for making the necessary utility upgrades to serve the planned homes and businesses.

Developers will make an estimated $28.66 million in utility improvements to facilitate the build-out, which will be paid back through “assessments” collected by the city of Marble Falls from future property owners within the Manzano Mile PID.

“It’s a significant-sized development that has a lot of public infrastructure in it,” Mayor Dave Rhodes told “It’s going to take an entire water tower all by itself.”

Rhodes and the rest of the Marble Falls City Council unanimously approved the public hearing during the council’s regular meeting Tuesday, Jan. 21. 

The hearing, set for 6 p.m. Feb. 18 at City Hall, 800 Third St., is an opportunity to ask questions and voice support for or concerns about the project

If plans are approved, developers will move forward with utility installation and construction. The land has already been purchased and platting and permitting completed. The petitioners for the Manzano Mile PID are listed as Hank Lewis, trustee of the Nelson Lewis Family Trust, and River City Partners Ltd.

The proposed development would run along the east side of Manzano Mile, starting at the intersection of RR 1431, on undeveloped land across from Marble Falls High School, which is located at 2101 Mustang Drive.

Marble Falls leaders identified several objectives and goals to be achieved if the Manzano Mile PID is approved. Developers provided feedback on the city’s wishes in documentation submitted prior to the council’s setting of a public hearing.

According to Exhibit C of the developers petition (found on page 83 of the city’s Jan. 21 agenda packet), for a public improvement district, the development should generate an additional $2.6 million in ad valorem tax revenue for the city, add $1 million in upgrades to municipal water storage and distribution, and include over 18 acres of public parkland and trail systems. In addition, the developers will donate 2 acres of land for a fire station on RR 1431.