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Check agendas and websites to see if the following government meetings are in person, virtual, or both. Agendas are posted 72 hours before a meeting so are not always ready by the time this list is published. Check links for more information.

Monday, Dec. 12

Llano County Commissioners Court

9 a.m. regular meeting

Justice of the Peace Precinct 4 Courtroom, 2001 Texas 16 North, Llano

On the agenda:

  • approval of 2023 investment policy
  • approval of settlement regarding Marshall v. Llano County
  • hiring of outside counsel to review contracts along with closing documents for recent property exchange between county and city of Llano that involves John L. Kuykendall Events Center and other properties

Marble Falls Parks and Recreation Commission

Noon regular meeting

Council Chambers at City Hall, 800 Third St., Marble Falls

On the agenda:

  • reports on Christmas events, youth and adult athletics, and park projects

Marble Falls ISD Board of Trustees

6 p.m. regular meeting

Central Office Community Room, 1800 Colt Circle, Marble Falls

On the agenda:

  • nomination of board member for Burnet Central Appraisal District
  • presentation and discussion of drafted instructional calendar for 2023-24
  • renewal of district of innovation
  • executive session on professional personnel, attorney consultation, real property, identifiable student information, safety and security, and superintendent’s self-evaluation

Burnet CISD Board of Trustees

6 p.m. regular meeting

BCISD Board Room, 208 E. Brier St., Burnet

On the agenda:

  • public hearing to review annual financial and compliance report for 2021-22
  • report on food service revenue and meal prices
  • approval of 2021-22 external audit report
  • nomination of board member Cary Johnson to fill vacancy on Burnet Central Appraisal District Board of Directors
  • executive session regarding real property and superintendent’s formative evaluation

Tuesday, Dec. 13

Burnet County Commissioners Court

9 a.m. regular meeting

Second-floor courtroom, Burnet County Courthouse, 220 S. Pierce, Burnet

The agenda wasn’t available at the time of publication. Visit the county’s website for more information.

Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors

2:15 p.m. regular meeting

Wildflower Hall, McKinney Roughs Nature Park, 1884 Texas 71 West, Cedar Creek

The agenda wasn’t available at the time of publication. Visit the LCRA website for more information.

Burnet City Council

6 p.m. regular meeting

Council Chambers, 2402 S. Water St. (U.S. 281), Burnet

The agenda wasn’t available at the time of publication. Visit the city’s website for more information.

Wednesday, Dec. 14

Granite Shoals City Council

6 p.m. regular meeting

Council Chambers, City Hall, 2221 N. Phillips Ranch Road, Granite Shoals

The agenda wasn’t available at the time of publication. Visit the city’s website for more information.

Friday, Dec. 16

Pedernales Electric Cooperative Board of Directors

9 a.m. regular meeting

201 S. Avenue F, Johnson City

The agenda wasn’t available at the time of publication. Visit the PEC website for more information.