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Check agendas and websites to see if the following government meetings are in person, virtual, or both.

Monday, April 11

Llano County Commissioners Court

9 a.m. regular meeting 

Justice of the Peace Precinct 4 Courtroom, 2001 Texas 16, Suite B, Llano

On the agenda:

  • discussion and possible action regarding the adoption of a Public Information Act Portal for Llano County 
  • discussion and possible action approving a vendor for a community center roof 
  • discussion reviewing racial profiling report for 2021 for Precinct 4 Constable Joey Simpson 

Tuesday, April 12 

Burnet County Commissioners Court

9 a.m. regular meeting 

Second-floor courtroom, 220 S. Pierce, Burnet 

On the agenda:

  • presentation of a proclamation acknowledging April as Child Abuse Awareness Month 
  • discussion and possible action regarding salary modification to several Burnet County employee classes because of cost-of-living increases and market adjustments 
  • discussion and possible action regarding an amendment to the officials’ policy regarding uniform allowances  

Granite Shoals City Council

6 p.m. regular meeting

Council Chambers at City Hall, 2221 Phillips Ranch Road, Granite Shoals

The meeting agenda wasn’t available at the time of publication. Check the city website for more information.