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Open house for public input on RR 1431 improvements

The Texas Department of Transportation is hosting an open house March 5 at Lago Vista Middle School, 8039 Bar K Ranch Road, to gather public input on proposed improvements to RR 1431 from the FM 1174 intersection in Burnet County east to Lago Vista. Staff photo by Jared Fields

The Texas Department of Transportation is hosting an open house March 5 at Lago Vista Middle School, 8039 Bar K Ranch Road, to gather public input on proposed improvements to RR 1431 from the FM 1174 intersection in Burnet County east to Lago Vista. Staff photo by Jared Fields


An open house March 5 in Lago Vista provides anyone who drives RR 1431 east of Smithwick an opportunity to view proposed improvements to the two-lane highway.

The Texas Department of Transportation is hosting the open house from 5-7 p.m. at Lago Vista Middle School, 8039 Bar K Ranch Road.

The proposed improvements would be from the FM 1174 intersection in Burnet County to Bar K Ranch Road just west of Lago Vista.

Proposed improvements include widening the road where needed, adding eight slow-moving vehicle turnout lanes, and repaving the roadway, according to TxDOT.

At a Feb. 12 Burnet County Commissioners Court meeting, Burnet County Judge James Oakley said the roadway is an important link to Austin on the north side of the river.

“Safety improvements that have been done to some (of the road) need to be done to it all,” he said.

TxDOT staff will be at the open house to answer questions and provide information on the roadway’s plans.