Marble Falls voters say ‘no’ to bond projects, pass special charter amendments
MARBLE FALLS — Marble Falls voters Nov. 5 turned down two bond proposals that would have funded an aquatics center and recreational facilities.
And neither measure came close to passing.
A bond proposition that would have funded $2,125,000 for a new aquatics center failed 347-158. About 69 percent of the 505 voters said “no” to the proposal. The result was a bit closer, but not by much, for the second bond proposition that would have allowed the city to spend $1 million for athletic fields and related facilities.
The measure failed 326-177, with 65 percent of the 503 ballots opposing the expenditure.
While those two measures failed, Marble Falls voters approved the six special charter amendments on the ballot including Proposition 1 that changes city council elections from at-large to by places.