Motorcycle-SUV accident in Marble Falls sends Horseshoe Bay man to hospital
MARBLE FALLS — A 16-year-old girl on her way to take her driver’s test Sept. 27 turned in front of an oncoming motorcycle, sending the 60-year-old motorcyclist to the hospital.
Marble Falls Police Capt. Glenn Hanson said emergency crews responded to accident involving a 2004 Chevy Tahoe and 2013 BMW touring motorcycle at the intersection of U.S. 281 and Max Starcke Dam Road about 7 a.m.
The motorcycle, driven by a Horseshoe Bay man, was headed north on 281 when the southbound SUV cut in front of him as the 16-year-old driver attempted to turn onto Max Starcke Dam Road.
“She was turning there to go to the (Burnet County) annex there to take her driver’s license test,” Hanson said. The captain said the driver, who did hold a learner’s permit, apparently didn’t see the oncoming motorcycle.
“(The motorcyclist) hit that Tahoe broadside and was critically injured,” Hanson said.
The 60-year-old man suffered an open fracture of one arm, the officer said, as well as other visible external injuries. Hanson said since internal injuries were hard to assess at the scene, so the man was transported by Air Evac helicopter to an Austin-area hospital.
Both the driver and passenger in the Tahoe were checked by Marble Falls Area EMS at the scene and released.