Fish fry and auction to benefit old Castell School restoration

The Castell School Restoration Benefit Fish Fry & Auction is June 22 at the American Legion post, 200 Legion St. in Llano, beginning at 5 p.m. The building now is used as a community center. Proceeds from the fish fry and auction will go toward new septic system. Courtesy photo
CASTELL — It has been 65 years since students studied their lessons in the old Castell School on the Llano River, but the building and the memories remain well preserved.
However, any wooden building constructed in 1926 — and expanded in 1929 — is going to need regular attention and upkeep. Castell School supporters realized this and decided to do something to protect the venerable facility.
The restoration project that started in 2005 has the building in great condition, but something else currently is needed that might not be noticed as much: a septic system.
The Castell School Restoration Benefit Fish Fry & Auction is June 22 at the American Legion post, 200 Legion St. in Llano, to raise money for the building.
“We wanted to keep it as much in its original state as we could. We left the blackboards on the walls, and the stage area still has the original wooden floors,” said Patty Schneider Pfister, a Castell Community Club member.
The building also is equipped with central heating and air-conditioning and kitchen facilities. In its years as a community center, the building has been a gathering place for family reunions, weddings, barbecues and even funerals.
The benefit fish fry is 5-7 p.m., and meals cost $8. The auction is 7:30 p.m. and includes 54 items, Pfister said. Some of those items are a handmade gun cabinet, gift baskets, handmade leather belts, a mesquite jewelry box and homemade cakes and pies.
Pfister grew up near the small community, which was one of the first settled in the county. Although she did not attend the Castell School, Pfister said many family members did, and she has put long hours and days into the upkeep of the building.
“It’s in great shape. I’ve gone and looked at some (other old community schools), and I’d put ours up against any other one,” she said.