Marble Falls Senior Activity Center serves up chili at annual fundraiser
MARBLE FALLS — The Marble Falls Senior Activity Center served 400 chili meals during its annual fundraiser Feb. 6.
Lucille Holden, who coordinated the event, said that as of 2 p.m. that day, 156 folks had already been served in the dining room at the center with another 161 grabbing takeout meals. In addition, 222 slices of pie had been sold during lunch hours. Holden said the center expected more at dinner time. The money will help pay a higher-than-expected electric bill for the center.
“I’m thrilled, really happy that we’ve had such a great turnout,” Holden said. “These funds will help pay our light bill and for the electrical and plumbing work we need to have done here at the center.”
The Marble Falls Senior Activity Center recently celebrated paying off the mortgage that financed the building’s new addition.
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Cynthia (left) and Mayor George Russell, Cristi Clement and Jerry and Doris Scharpe, all of Marble Falls, enjoy a bowl of chili with beans, cornbread and all the fixings during the Marble Falls Senior Activity Center’s annual chili fundraiser Feb. 6. Courtesy photo
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Longtime Marble Falls Senior Activity Center members Norma Woodard (left) of Marble Falls, Ruth James of Kingsland and Arlene Vinson of Meadowlakes were among dozens of members who volunteered at the center’s annual chili fundraiser Feb. 6. The three helped with takeout meals. Courtesy photo
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Fundraiser coordinator Lucille Holden (left) and her husband, Arnold (right), president of the Marble Falls Senior Activity Center, share a moment with Cristi Clement, a Pedernales Electric Cooperative director, and Doug Moore. Courtesy photo
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Former city of Marble Falls Mayor Raymond Whitman, and his wife, Tammy, help support the work of the senior activity center by enjoying bowls of chili. Courtesy photo
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Anna Barrientez of Liberty Hill (left) and her mother, Anna Johns, of Bertram make their way through the chili-serving line. Dishing out the meal are Marble Falls Senior Activity Center members Izzy Wendler (back, right), Marvin and Delores Junker, Josie Davis, Sue Taylor and Isabel Dietz. Courtesy photo
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Marble Falls Senior Activity Center members Dian Bowers (left) and Lucille Holden survey the turnout with chili meal fundraiser coordinator Lucille Holden of Marble Falls. Courtesy photo
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Horseshoe Bay residents Dennis Hail (left) and Bob Bryan enjoy a laugh while going through the serving line at the Marble Falls Senior Activity Center’s annual chili fundraiser. Courtesy photo
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