Marble Falls parks get smartphone-savy watering, control systems
MARBLE FALLS — Remote-controlled systems for central air-conditioning and sprinklers highlighted the regular meeting of the Marble Falls Parks and Recreation Commission on Jan. 7.
Parks and Recreation Director Robert Moss showed the commissioners the software the city purchased to operate both systems.
“I can (operate the systems) with one of these,” he said as he pulled out his smartphone.
Staff members use the remote-controlled air-conditioning system in Lakeside Park and the sprinkler system at Johnson Park ballfield.
“Lakeside’s electric bill is a big expense,” Moss said. “We’ve actually been looking at these for several years. We’re starting to put it in place one at a time. The irrigation (sprinklers) have the ability to have rain sensors. If the sensor is wet, they won’t come on.”
Both systems have pre-setup temperatures or times to water, he said.
The software allows staff to set up temperature for 30 events per day and 13 days in advance, the director said.
Each controller cost about $150, Moss said.
In other news:
• Commissioner Kendra Lewis is resigning to spend more time with her family.
• Each commissioner received a list of businesses to ask for help regarding Spring Break 2013 activities. Commissioners decided to conduct a workgroup session later in January. Volunteers are needed to help with events, Commissioner Leta Stevenson-Smith said. She can be reached at
• Bids will be taken for type I effluent that allows treated water to be put at parks at Yett Street, downtown Main Street, the skatepark and Johnson Park.
• The restrooms at the VFW Field were updated.
• Staff members are watering the 50 trees received from the Lower Colorado River Authority. Moss said staff will begin planting those trees in the coming weeks.