GOVERNMENT MEETINGS: For the week of Nov. 14

Check agendas and websites to see if the following government meetings are in person, virtual, or both. Agendas are posted 72 hours before a meeting so are not always ready by the time this list is published. Check links for more information.
Monday, Nov. 14
Llano County Commissioners Court
9 a.m. regular meeting
Justice of the Peace Precinct 4 Courtroom, 2001 Texas 16 North, Llano
- burn ban restrictions
- enrolling employees and officials in Texas Association of Counties cybersecurity training program
Llano County Commissioners Court
10 a.m. special meeting
Justice of the Peace Precinct 4 Courtroom, 2001 Texas 16 North, Llano
- discussion and possible action regarding over 30 hotel occupancy tax (HOT) grants for various businesses in county
Marble Falls Parks and Recreation Commission
Noon regular meeting
City Council Chambers, City Hall, 800 Third St., Marble Falls
- updates on department’s comprehensive plan, Park View Park, Christmas activities, youth leagues, and maintenance projects
Marble Falls ISD Board of Trustees
6 p.m. regular meeting
Central Office Community Room, 1800 Colt Circle, Marble Falls
- presentation and discussion of surface lease agreement between Marble Falls Inclusive Play Group and district that would allow group to build playground next to Colt Elementary
- presentation and discussion regarding possible purchase of new scoreboard for high school baseball field
- presentation and discussion regarding interlocal agreement between district and Burnet County for additional school resource officer
Burnet CISD Board of Trustees
6 p.m. regular meeting
BCISD Board Room, 208 E. Brier St., Burnet
- report regarding annual evaluation of district’s gifted and talented program
- discussion and possible action regarding new high school courses
- discussion and possible action regarding approval and adoption of amended BCISD innovation plan
Tuesday, Nov. 15
Horseshoe Bay City Council
3 p.m. regular meeting
City Hall, 1 Community Drive, Horseshoe Bay
- swearing in and issuance of certificates of election to newly re-elected councilors Elsie Thurman, Elaine Waddill, and Dwight King
- discussion and action on short-term rentals
- annual appointment of two councilors to Public Funds for Public Purposes City Council Subcommittee
Marble Falls Economic Development Corp.
5 p.m. special meeting
Council Chambers at City Hall, 800 Third St., Marble Falls
- discussion and action on bids for site clearing for boardwalk and power house project
Marble Falls City Council
6 p.m. regular meeting
Council Chambers at City Hall, 800 Third St., Marble Falls
- update from city’s finance department
- discussion and possible action on host of traffic ordinances that would lower residential speed limits
- regulating electric scooter companies
- discussion on community messaging for community announcements and event promotion
- discussion and possible action on professional services agreements for engineering services for Via Viejo pump project
- executive session on possible acquisition of real property and groundwater rights
Meadowlakes City Council
6 p.m. regular meeting
Totten Hall, 177 Broadmoor St., Meadowlakes
- update on renovations of sewer treatment plant
- discussion and action on leasing city’s tennis court facility to third party
- discussion and action on request from Waste Management of Texas for additional rate increase due to inflation
Highland Haven Board of Alderman
7 p.m. regular meeting
510 Highland Drive, Suite A, Highland Haven
- review of proposed noise ordinance
- report on city’s codification project
Wednesday, Nov. 16
Lower Colorado River Authority Board of Directors
9 a.m. regular meeting
LCRA General Office Board Room, Hancock Building, 3700 Lake Austin Blvd, Austin
- discussion and action on water commitment for facilities and projects
- discussion and action on amendments to firm water contracts and rules
- executive session on competitive electric matters
Granite Shoals City Council
6 p.m. regular meeting
Council Chambers, City Hall, 2221 N. Phillips Ranch Road, Granite Shoals
The meeting agenda wasn’t available at the time of this story’s publication. Check the city’s website for more information.
Thursday, Nov. 17
Horseshoe Bay City Council
9 a.m. special meeting
City Hall, 1 Community Drive, Horseshoe Bay
- declaring and certifying results of special bond election
Cottonwood Shores City Council
6 p.m. regular meeting
Community Center, 4111 Cottonwood Drive, Cottonwood Shores
The meeting agenda wasn’t available at the time of this story’s publication. Check the city’s website for more information.
Friday, Nov. 18
Pedernales Electric Cooperative Board of Directors
10 a.m. regular meeting
PEC Auditorium, 201 S. Avenue F, Johnson City
The meeting agenda wasn’t available at the time of this story’s publication. Check the PEC website for more information.