Llano County Precinct 3 commissioner candidates forum Feb. 13

Holding Texas flags at the Highland Lakes Republican Women’s candidates forum on Jan. 9 are the three candidates for Llano County Precinct 3 commissioner: Brent Richards (left), Bull Guthrie, and Karen Shaw. Staff photo by Suzanne Freeman
The Highland Lakes Republican Women are hosting a forum for the three candidates in the Llano County Precinct 3 commissioner race at noon Tuesday, Feb. 13, in the Kingsland Community Park Building, 155 Lions Park Road.
Candidates Karen Shaw, Bull Guthrie, and Brent Richards are vying for the GOP nomination in the March 5 primary election to fill the seat of outgoing Precinct 3 Commissioner Mike Sandoval. Without any Democratic opposition, the primary winner will take office in January 2025.
Early voting runs Feb. 20-March 1.
Llano County’s Precinct 3 mainly consists of Kingsland, a large, unincorporated community with thousands of residents that lies at the convergence of the Llano and Colorado rivers. Tuesday’s forum will officially begin at noon and run until 1 p.m. A $15 lunch will be available starting at 11:30 a.m.
DailyTrib.com covered a similar forum by the Highland Lakes Republican Women on Jan. 9 in which all three candidates introduced themselves and established their positions on key issues.
Shaw has lived in Kingsland for 17 years and has over 40 years of experience in education. She is running on a platform of ensuring that Kingsland receives its fair share of county funding and attention, improving infrastructure, and strengthening community support for children.
Guthrie is a recent Kingsland resident, having lived in the area for about eight months, and touts 30 years of experience in law enforcement. He is running on a platform of banning certain books from the Llano County Library Systems, public safety, and securing and preserving water resources.
Richards has lived in Llano County for 14 years and in Kingsland since 2021. He has over 29 years of experience in civil and traffic engineering. He is running on a platform of faith, Republicanism, and infrastructure improvements.