GOVERNMENT MEETINGS: For the week of Jan. 29, 2024
Check agendas to see if the following government meetings are in person, virtual, or both. Agendas are posted 72 hours before a meeting so are not always ready by the time this list is published. Check links for more information.
Monday, Jan. 29
Llano County Commissioners Court
9 a.m. special meeting
Law Library, Llano County Courthouse, 801 Ford St., Llano
- agreement between Llano County and Lehne Construction to authorize the design of EMS and Tax Annex buildings in Llano County with a guaranteed maximum price of $1,794,172
Tuesday, Jan. 30
Marble Falls Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 1 Board
Noon regular meeting
Council Chambers, City Hall, 800 Third St., Marble Falls
- downtown economic update
- project update on ADA access to the 300 block of Main Street
- discussion regarding TIRZ financing plan
- discussion of 2024-25 fiscal year projects