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Volunteers needed to set up HLCN dental clinic, housing

Highland Lakes Crisis Network dental clinic

Help clean up this space and turn it into a free dental clinic for the Highland Lakes Crisis Network. Volunteers can show up between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Jan. 26 at 700 Avenue T, Building 3, right next door to the HLCN’s office in Marble Falls. Bring work gloves. Staff photo by Suzanne Freeman

Help the Highland Lakes Crisis Network set up its new dental clinic on Friday, Jan. 26, or show up on Saturday to work with volunteers from Cornerstone Restoration in renovating duplexes slated for transformational housing in Marble Falls. 

“We have some people coming to set up the equipment at the dental clinic, and we need volunteers to help out,” said HLCN Executive Director Kevin Naumann. “We’ll be doing some painting and cleaning up. Bring your work gloves and just show up.” 

Work begins at 9 a.m. at what will be a free dental clinic run by the Crisis Network. The clinic should be operational by the end of February, according to Naumann. it is located at 700 Avenue T, Building 3, next door to the HLCN office. 

“We will probably start holding dental events a few times a month,” Naumann said. “How often we can open is a function of how many certified hygienists and doctors we can line up. We hope to have it open on a more regular basis soon.”

On Saturday, Cornerstone Restoration returns to Marble Falls to paint and renovate duplexes for families in crisis, who can live in the homes for 18 months as HLCN programs set them up for independence. 

The group of contractors is based in Lakeway. They were last in Marble Falls on Nov. 4, 2023, organizing and working with two teams of 25 local volunteers to renovate two three-bedroom duplexes. 

Work begins at 9 a.m. Saturday and continues until 5 p.m., depending on how many volunteers show up, Naumann said. 

“You can come for part of the day or the whole day,” he said. “It’s up to you.”

To volunteer, email Naumann at