GOVERNMENT MEETINGS: For the week of Jan. 1, 2024
Check agendas to see if the following government meetings are in person, virtual, or both. Agendas are posted 72 hours before a meeting so are not always ready by the time this list is published. Check the links for more information.
Tuesday, Jan. 2
Marble Falls City Council
6 p.m. regular meeting
Council Chambers, City Hall, 800 Third St., Marble Falls
- no items are listed on the regular agenda
- executive session to discuss economic development and economic development prospects
- consent agenda, which includes adding a communications officer (dispatch) position to the 2023-24 communications budget
Highland Haven Board of Alderman
7 p.m. regular meeting
Community Center, 118 Blackbird Drive, Highland Haven
- discussion of the eclipse on April 8, 2024
- setting city election dates and candidate filing, which is Jan. 17-Feb. 16.
- water storage tank project report
- review solid waste services
Wednesday, Jan. 3
Marble Falls Economic Development Corp. Board of Directors
Noon regular meeting
Council Chambers, City Hall, 800 Third St., Marble Falls
- discussion and action on an agreement with the city of Marble Falls on buying property located at 1001, 1003, and 1008 North Main St. for economic development purposes. The lots are at the northeast corner of U.S. 281 and RR 1431 and include Waymore Bait and Tackle and the former home of Ken’s Catfish and Art of the Meal, which were previously slated for a car wash.
- discussion and action on an economic development agreement between the EDC, the city of Marble Falls, and ABC Supply
Thursday, Jan. 4
Cottonwood Shores City Council
The 6 p.m. regular meeting on Jan. 4 has been canceled and rescheduled for Thursday, Jan. 18, at the Civic Center, 4111 Cottonwood Drive, Cottonwood Shores
Check the city’s website for more information.