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Shoot clays Oct. 21 for Crisis Network

The Highland Lakes Crisis Network's 2024 Sporting Clay Shoot Fundraiser is Oct. 5 at Copperhead Creek Shooting Club in Marble Falls. File photo

Registration is open for the third annual Highland Lakes Crisis Network sporting clay shoot fundraiser Oct. 21 at Copperhead Creek Shooting Club, 7030 RR 1431 in Marble Falls. Gates open at 8 a.m.; shotgun start is at 9 a.m.

Money from the shoot funds major initiatives through the nonprofit, such as its Transformational Living program geared to break generational cycles of poverty by offering housing to homeless families.

The Highland Lakes Crisis Network was founded in 2018. The nonprofit is a network of local churches and organizations that provide physical, spiritual, and emotional support to those undergoing crisis and disaster.

To sponsor or register a team, visit the nonprofit’s website. Entry is $400 per four-person team or $100 for individual shooters. Only one member per four-person team is required to register. First responder teams may sign up for free but must include four people who are currently serving as active first responders in the Highland Lakes area.

Guests must bring or buy 100 rounds of ammunition for the event. Ammo will not be provided by organizers but be available for purchase at the event. Hearing and eye protection are required while shooting. 

Prizes go to top male, female, and youth shooters. The top team, top first responder team, and last place will also receive prizes. Mulligans are $10 each.

All entries will be provided lunch from Chick-fil-A.

An on-site raffle is planned with prizes worth over $5,000 in value that were donated from local businesses. Guests do not have to be present to win. Tickets are $10 each.

Sponsorship packages range from $1,500-$2,500.