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Check agendas and websites to see if the following government meetings are in person, virtual, or both. Agendas are posted 72 hours before a meeting so are not always ready by the time this list is published. Check links for more information.

Monday, July 31

Marble Falls City Council

9 a.m. special meeting

Council Chambers, City Hall, 800 Third St., Marble Falls

On the agenda:

  • approval of a resolution to apply for a grant administered by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to help fund construction for the Park View Park project

The item is listed on the meeting’s consent agenda and is the lone item to be considered during the meeting.

Marble Falls City Council

9 a.m. budget workshop

Council Chambers, City Hall, 800 Third St., Marble Falls

On the agenda:

  • discussion of the city’s proposed fiscal year 2023-24 budgets for the general, utility, special revenue, and capital projects funds
  • recommendations from the capital improvement plan and hotel-motel tax advisory committees
  • discussion of the Marble Falls EDC budget

Tuesday, Aug. 1

Marble Falls ISD Board of Trustees

5:30 special meeting

Central Community Room, MFISD Central Office, 1800 Colt Circle, Marble Falls

Agenda wasn’t available at the time of this story’s publication. Check the district’s website for more information.

Marble Falls City Council

6 p.m. regular meeting

Council Chambers, City Hall, 800 Third St., Marble Falls

On the agenda:

  • recognition of donation to the animal control facility
  • presentation of fire rescue heroism awards
  • nomination of directors for the Burnet Central Appraisal District for 2024-25
  • discussion and action regarding the award of a bid to purchase a manufactured home to serve as temporary housing during renovations to the fire station
  • discussion of purchasing additional water from the LCRA

Highland Haven Board of Alderman

7 p.m. regular meeting

Community Center, 118 Blackbird Drive, Highland Haven

On the agenda:

  • public hearing on proposed fiscal year 2023-24 budget
  • establish water rates and other fee schedules for 2024 
  • ratify the ad valorem total property tax revenue increase for 2023

Wednesday, Aug. 2

Marble Falls Economic Development Corp. Board of Directors

Noon regular meeting

Council Chambers, City Hall, 800 Third St., Marble Falls

Agenda wasn’t available by the time of this story’s publication. Visit the EDC’s website for more information.

Thursday, Aug. 3

Cottonwood Shores City Council

6 p.m. regular meeting

Civic Center, 4111 Cottonwood Drive, Cottonwood Shores

Agenda wasn’t available by the time of this story’s publication. Check the city’s website for more information.