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VFW Freedom Rally features car show, Kenny Chesney-signed prize

Marble Falls VFW

The VFW Post 10376 at 1001 Veterans Ave. in Marble Falls hosts weekly activities and bigger events, including the Freedom Rally on June 3. Staff photo by Dakota Morrissiey

The Marble Falls VFW hosts its annual Freedom Rally on June 3 with a classic car and motorcycle show, games, food, live music, and a chance to win a signed guitar by country star Kenny Chesney.

The free event is from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10376 at 1001 Veterans Ave. 

The Freedom Rally is in its third year.

“This all started as a recognition of veterans,” said Dan Cone, the post’s public relations representative. “When we transitioned out of COVID, it transformed into the car show and a full-day event.”

Registration for the car and motorcycle show is $20 and includes an event T-shirt. You can sign up from 10 a.m. to noon. the day of or in advance online. Awards will be announced at 2 p.m.

Attendees can also grab a bite to eat while playing games, listening to homegrown music, and trying to snag a raffle or silent auction prize, including the Chesney-signed guitar. 

“The event is targeted to raise money for veterans in our community,” Cone said. “The money we raise at the post stays in the Hill Country. We don’t ship it off to a national organization or even a state organization. The money we raise here, stays here.”