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$39M bond package on Llano ISD ballot

Llano (Texas) High School

A $40 million bond package is on the May 6 ballot for voters in the Llano Independent School District. The money would pay for major upgrades throughout the district. Photo by Stennis Shotts

Llano Independent School District voters will decide on a $39.8 million bond package on Election Day, which is Saturday, May 6. If approved, the money could pay for upgrades on campuses districtwide to accommodate a growing enrollment, better technology to improve student performance, and staff housing on district property.

It would not result in a tax increase, LISD officials said, due to the refinancing of previous bonds and a 12 percent increase in property values.

The bond package is split into three propositions. 

Proposition A accounts for $36.8 million, or about 92.4 percent, of the total bond package. It includes the following by campus/department: 

  • Packsaddle Elementary School — additional classrooms, cafeteria expansion, competition gym, new flooring and paint, new practice field, new playground, and parking and traffic flow upgrades
  • Llano Elementary School — gym remodel, canopy over the drop-off area, and playground improvements
  • Llano Junior High School — gym remodel, classroom improvements, new flooring and paint, auditorium vestibule, and exterior entrance improvements
  • Llano High School — new career and technical education center and new paint and flooring
  • Athletic department — resurfacing the football field and track, additional locker rooms and weight room, existing high school locker room remodel, and new sports lighting at sites districtwide 
  • Maintenance — replacement of HVAC units that have reached their service life, new mowers and maintenance equipment, and additions to the bus fleet districtwide
  •  Security — updated camera systems, card readers, and emergency notification systems; automatic locks and gates; metal detector at the alternate school; and new intercom systems and fire alarms at Packsaddle Elementary School and Llano High School

Proposition B would use $2 million to fund the construction of staff housing on district property. The district noted on its bond election page that home sales increased 13 percent from 2020 to 2021, placing homeownership out of the reach of many teachers and staff.

Proposition C would use $1 million to purchase new technologies, such as computers and software, for students and staff to improve academic performance.

If the bond, especially Proposition A, is not approved, programs might have to be cut, officials said.

For more information on the bond package and election, contact Llano ISD at 325-247-4747 or the district office via email.

2 thoughts on “$39M bond package on Llano ISD ballot

  1. Right, it won’t lead to higher taxes because they already baked in a 12% property value increase, which (tada!)…..increases your taxes. And next year they’ll do the same again, and again, and again…you get it? Subterfuge and lies.

    Sure, some of this stuff might be “needed” – but stop trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Vote “no” on principal to everything!

    1. This has gotten to be a serial occurrence at all small Texas Towns. The “FIX” is in on this deception and voters need to turn this crap down every time. The ISD gets 164 more kids and needs 40 million ? This is a bad cruel Joke on property owners in Llano County.

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