Shoot for Coop scholarship fundraiser April 22

The 2023 Shoot for Coop fundraiser is April 22 at DeSpain Ranch, 14415 RR 1174 in Marble Falls. Proceeds will go toward the Cooper DeSpain Memorial Scholarship Fund, which benefits area high school students. Courtesy photo by Craig Lusinger
Shoot clays to raise money for the Cooper DeSpain Memorial Scholarship Fund on April 22 at Shoot for Coop. The fundraiser takes place at the DeSpain Ranch, 14415 RR 1174 in Marble Falls, and includes an auction, lunch, prizes, games, live music, and barbecue dinner.
Event organizer David DeSpain spoke with KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune morning show host Mac McClennahan about the event during an interview in January.
“I look forward to it, but I’m sure glad when it’s over also,” DeSpain laughed. “It is a lot of work, but I’ve got great people that help every year.”
The event benefits students at high schools across the region.
“Right now, we give scholarships to Marble Falls High School, Faith Academy (of Marble Falls), Burnet, Lampasas, Llano, and Liberty Hill,” DeSpain said. “We’re trying to cover the whole Hill Country.”
Shoot for Coop and the Cooper DeSpain Memorial Scholarship Fund honor DeSpain’s son, Cooper, who was killed in an ATV accident on Aug. 8, 2014. Started that same year, the clay shoot was supposed to be a one-time event. Organizers decided to make it an annual competition because of the support they received from attendees.
“We had such great feedback that everybody just kept calling,” DeSpain said. “Here we are, nine years later.”
Registration is $700 for men’s and co-ed teams and $400 for women’s teams. Teams of kids ages 15 and younger can sign up for $250. Teams are made up of four people.
“We shoot about 60 teams, which is 240 people,” DeSpain said. “We usually have a few extras.”
Registration payment can be made via Venmo, PayPal, or check. All proceeds benefit the scholarship fund.
“We do about 30 scholarships a year now because of the great support we receive from the community,” DeSpain said.
To register, visit the event’s website.