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GOVERNMENT MEETINGS: For the week of Dec. 26, 2023

Check agendas and websites to see if the following government meetings are in person, virtual, or both. Agendas are posted 72 hours before a meeting so are not always ready by the time this list is published. Check links for more information.

Wednesday, Dec. 28

Burnet County Commissioners Court

9 a.m. regular meeting

Second-floor courtroom, Burnet County Courthouse, 220 S. Pierce, Burnet

Burnet County Precinct 4 Commissioner Joe Don Dockery will lead the meeting as Burnet County Judge James Oakley will be out of town.

On the agenda:

  • • reappointment of six members to three emergency services district boards
  • • discussion and possible action on granting exception to vacation leave carry-over policy for select jail and sheriff’s office employees
  • • consider exercising purchase option on three jail vehicles and one lease vehicle
  • • discussion and possible action on four different requests for repeats