Burnet County Democratic Convention is March 19
The Burnet County Democratic Party and the Burnet County Democratic Club are co-hosting the party’s 2022 county convention from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 19, at Cadillac Dance Hall, 1375 FM 1855 in Marble Falls. Doors open at 9:30 am.
Registration is required. Pre-register with the Texas Democratic Party at txdem.co/Convention-RSVP or texasdemocraticconvention.com or register on site on the day of the convention.
“Convention attendees will elect delegates to represent Burnet County at the statewide Texas Democratic Convention in Dallas in July. We’ll also discuss proposals and write resolutions to submit to the state convention,” said Mel Hazlewood, chair of the Burnet County Democratic Party, in a media release.
Per the rules of the Texas Democratic Party, “any qualified Democratic voter who will be 18 years of age or older on the date in November of the General Election and resides in the county and has voted in the Democratic Primary … or signs an oath of affiliation to the Democratic Party” is eligible to attend and vote at the county convention.
Hazlewood noted that Democrats who chose to vote in another party’s primary this year can register and attend the Burnet County Democratic Convention per the rules stated above.
“However, those individuals cannot be elected as a Burnet County delegate to the statewide convention in Dallas,” Hazlewood said.
“We encourage anyone interested in promoting the direction of the Democratic Party in Texas and in Burnet County to join us,” said B.J. Henry, president of the Burnet County Democratic Club, in the media release. “We will have breakfast tacos, refreshments, games, prizes and more for a fun and constructive process.”
Follow BCDCTX on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook and visit bcdctx.org for more information. The Burnet County Democratic Club meets monthly and holds social and candidate-related events periodically.