GOVERNMENT MEETINGS: For the week of May 10

Several Highland Lakes city councils, county commissioners courts, and school boards are holding meetings the week of May 10. Check agendas/websites to see if meetings are in person, virtual, or both.
Monday, May 10
Llano County Commissioners Court
9 a.m. regular meeting
Second-floor courtroom, 801 Ford St., Llano
- discussion on burn ban
- presentation by Llano River Rail Road
- discussion and possible action on proclaiming July as First Responders Month in Llano County
Tuesday, May 11
Marble Falls City Council
8 a.m. special meeting
Lakeside Pavilion, 307 Buena Vista Drive, Marble Falls
- canvass of May 1 election returns
- administration of oaths of office
- discussion of strategic planning
Llano Independent School District Board of Trustees
8 a.m. special meeting via Zoom
Check school district website for link to Zoom.
On the agenda: Canvass of May 1 election results
Marble Falls Independent School District Board of Trustees
8:30 a.m. special meeting
On the agenda: Discussion of MFISD face covering requirements
Burnet County Commissioners Court
9 a.m. regular meeting
Second-floor courtroom, 220 S. Pierce St., Burnet
- discussion and possible action on several subdivision plats
- discussion and possible action on fiscal year 2022 budget policy
Granite Shoals City Council
6 p.m. regular meeting
2221 N. Phillips Ranch Road, Granite Shoals
The meeting agenda was not available at the time of publication. Check the city website for more information.