Stephanie McCormick announces GOP nomination bid for Burnet County clerk
Stephanie McCormick is vying for the Republican nomination for the Burnet County clerk position.
McCormick, a longtime Burnet County employee, recently announced she has filed all of the necessary documents for the office. Current county Clerk Janet Parker is retiring.
“I want to instill my 22 years of vast experiences with Burnet County to the office of county clerk,” she said. “One of my initiatives would be to establish a presence in Marble Falls to better serve the citizens in southern Burnet County.”
She is seeking the Republican nomination in the March 1, 2022, primary. If McCormick wins the primary, she heads on to the Nov. 8, 2022, general election.
During her tenure with Burnet County, McCormick has served six years in the county clerk’s office, 12 years as the court collections supervisor, and three years as the Burnet County Commissioners Court coordinator and administrative director for Burnet County Judge James Oakley. She also currently overseas the county’s tourism department.
McCormick, a lifelong Texan, has demonstrated her leadership in a number of roles, including two years as president of the Governmental Collectors Association of Texas. She also serves on the Hill Country Children’s Advocacy Center’s board of directors.
She and her husband, Joey, live in Burnet. They have two daughters and one granddaughter. Both are active members of Verity Road Church in Bertram and also serve as team leaders for the congregation.
McCormick has an associate’s degree in business administration and a bachelor’s degree in psychology.