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Officials: Eligible people should get on COVID-19 vaccination waitlists now

Sign up for vaccination waitlists now

People eligible for the COVID-19 vaccines under the state's Phase 1A and 1B categories can now pre-register for the shots. Currently, no vaccines are available in Burnet or Llano counties, but more doses should be arriving soon, officials said. Staff photo by Daniel Clifton

Registration for COVID-19 vaccine waitlists is ongoing in the Highland Lakes as doses have been extremely limited in both Burnet and Llano counties. 

Currently, only people in the state of Texas vaccination plan’s Phase 1A and Phase 1B categories are eligible to pre-register. These include healthcare workers, long-term care facility staff and residents, ages 65 and older, and ages 16 and older with serious medical conditions. 

The state distributes COVID-19 vaccines to providers, not to local or county governments. Officials ask that people register via a vaccine providers’ website. 


As of Thursday, Jan. 21, the Texas Department of State Health Services has one Llano County provider, Hill Country Direct Care. So far, the location has only received 100 doses of the Moderna vaccine, which have already been administered. Eligible people can pre-register online for when more doses are available.


Burnet County, vaccine providers are:

Providers are not taking walk-ins, even if vaccines are on hand. 

As vaccine doses become available and waitlist spots open, providers will contact registered eligible people to schedule appointments. How soon this happens, and how often, depends on vaccine availability.


Starting the week of Jan. 11, state officials began designating providers that can distribute thousands of doses in a short period of time. These hubs have received and will continue to receive large numbers of doses for distribution. 

Currently, the closest hubs to the Highland Lakes are:

A complete list of hubs can be found on the DSHS website

When the state of Texas receives vaccines from the federal government, it distributes them under the Texas Vaccination Plan following allocation guidelines

People who do not have access to the internet or email can use computers at their local libraries or seek assistance from family or friends.

Check out the COVID-19 webpage for more information.