Horseshoe Bay wastewater plant expansion should finish in January

The Horseshoe Bay wastewater plant expansion should wrap up in early 2021, City Manager Stan Farmer said.
Construction has been going on throughout 2020 after the city obtained a $6 million loan to fund it. Farmer said the project should be completed in January.
The wastewater plant will be expanded by 50 percent capacity, allowing it to stay within the ranges set by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
During peak holidays, the facility was running out of capacity, Farmer said.
“We were well over 75 percent,” he said of those peak times, “but we’d go below 75 percent on a weekly basis.”
The expansion allows the plant to handle an extra 1.2 million gallons per day.
“It’s about the holidays when everybody shows up at their second house and brings eight others with them,” he said. “On a normal summer weekend and when (Horseshoe Bay Resort) is full, it’s not an issue. But on Labor Day weekend, Memorial Day weekend, Fourth of July, when you have families at their second homes and they bring extra people and every house is already full, those holiday weekends is when the capacity is tested.”