Community Concert Series is music to the ears in uncertain times
Tired of being stuck indoors and missing your favorite local musicians? Well, relief is on the way.
The first installment of the new Community Concert Series is 6-9 p.m. Friday, April 17, at Hampton Inn on the Lake in Marble Falls. Strict social distancing practices will be enforced, so you can’t sit around the pool and enjoy the show, but you can motor up to the hotel by boat, live stream the concert from home, or tune in to KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune or to listen.
The event will be streamed live on the concert series’ Facebook page.
Community Concert Series 2020 will feature music by Brandon Alan, John Arthur Martinez, Jessa Myer, Pauline Reese, and George Gurganus. All will perform by the pool at the rear of the hotel, giving boaters an in-person show — at an appropriate distance, of course.
“They’re excited to get out there and perform again,” said Amber Weems of Victory Media Marketing, which is co-sponsoring the event. “They’re eager to do this. It was easy to get them to say yes. They want to support their community. This is a way for them to do it because it’s their art and it’s what they do. Right now, just like us in business, everything has changed for them as well.”
The concert livestream will be interspersed online with videos of local business owners making the case that they need you now more than ever. This is an effort to raise awareness of businesses of all kinds as they try to keep afloat during the COVID-19 health crisis.
“If we can create an environment of entertainment, we have a forum to be able to share a message of ‘support local’ and ‘community’ and ‘we’re in this together,’” Weems said.
Weems hopes other community leaders take note of the concert and produce similar events of their own.
“We hope this will take off in other communities,” she said. “There are some other people that, in the end, when it’s all said and done, will be able to take this and replicate this. As you can see, it’s pretty easy to replicate with a few key partnerships.”
Along with Victory Media Marketing and KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune, sponsors are Hampton Inn on the Lake, First Baptist Church of Marble Falls, Lake Shores Church, and River City Grille.
Follow the Community Concert Series Facebook page for updates and more information.