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CDC recommends face masks; here’s how to make one

covid-19 face masks

Masks from Creative Hearts Mask Crusaders are made with more than elastic and material — they are made with love and prayed over by the volunteer makers. These masks made by the First Baptist Church of Marble Falls Creative Hearts group are being donated to first responders as a top priority, but are available upon request for anyone who needs them. Masks and photo by Melinda Savage

Wear face masks in public to slow the spread of COVID-19 recommends the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which added this latest step in disease control on April 4. The new recommendation encourages everyone to wear a face covering or mask when out in public, especially in places where maintaining a six-feet social separation could be difficult.

Access to face masks may also be difficult, but the solution could be as close as the nearest sewing machine, whether it belongs to you or a sewing friend.  Watch this video for easy instructions on how to sew a cloth face mask in a few easy steps. Also, Dr. Jerome Adams, the United States Surgeon General, demonstrates a method to make a mask without any sewing on the CDC’s website.

Locally, Creative Hearts Mask Crusaders from the First Baptist Church of Marble Falls are producing handmade masks as quickly as they can. To receive a mask, apply online. Masks are free, but donations are appreciated to help pay for the elastic and interfacing. To request a mask, fill out a form online. First responders get first priority, but no one is overlooked. 

Recent studies show many people with COVID-19 are asymptotic (don’t show any symptoms) or are pre-symptomatic (may show symptoms eventually), reports the CDC in a statement on its website. Despite the lack of symptoms, these people can still transmit the virus that causes COVID-19, without realizing they are doing so.

It is critical to emphasize that maintaining six-feet social distancing remains important to slowing the spread of the virus,” according to the CDC’s website post. “CDC is additionally advising the use of simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others.”

Officials emphasized they are not recommending people wear N95 masks, which are in short supply and needed by medical personnel and medical first responders. 

Whether you purchase one, someone makes you one, or you make one yourself, cloth face masks can help slow the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19.

For more on how COVID-19 is affecting the Highland Lakes, visit the coronavirus resources webpage.