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Sunny days are just around the corner. But before the clouds break and highs return to the upper 70s, one more “soaking” rain is expected.

According to the National Weather Service, Burnet, Blanco, and Llano counties could receive 1½-2 inches of rain through the night of Wednesday, Oct. 24. The eastern half of Williamson County and nearly all of Travis County could receive 2-3 inches of rain. Isolated rainfall, according to the NWS, could be up to 4 inches.

“Widespread rain across some of the local river basins could lead to rapid river rises due to how saturated the ground is from recent rains,” the NWS released in a statement.

After Wednesday, highs will climb from 66 on Thursday to 75 on Friday, 78 on Saturday, 75 on Sunday, and 72 on Monday. Sunny conditions are expected to continue through next week.

At the present, the Lower Colorado River Authority continues to monitor any effects rain could have on the Highland Lakes.

Under current conditions, LCRA does not anticipate having to open additional floodgates on Mansfield Dam over the next few days,” the LCRA posted on its website. “However, we are still in a dynamic situation with additional rain in the forecast in the next 48 hours. If it becomes necessary to open additional floodgates, we will alert the public and local officials immediately.”

Lakes Buchanan, Inks, LBJ, Marble Falls, and Travis are closed for recreational use and will not open until at least Thursday, Oct. 25, according to the LCRA. Property owners may access the lakes for the limited purpose of recovering or securing damaged property, if the location is known. Searching for missing property is not allowed at the moment.

Boating on the lakes remains dangerous, and time on the lakes recovering property should be minimized. Flows in the lakes may be swift, and submerged hazards may be difficult to see, especially at night,” according to the LCRA.

Last week’s floods raised the level of lakes Buchanan and Travis from a combined storage of 72 percent full on Sept. 24 to 121 percent full on Oct. 23. Lake Buchanan is being managed at a lake level of no more than 1,018 feet, where it remains. The lake level was 1,011 feet on Sept. 24.

Lake Travis is at 702.49 feet, up from 658 feet on Sept. 24, and is 142 percent full.

“People downstream of Mansfield Dam should remain vigilant and ready to take action if additional floodgates need to be opened,” according to the LCRA.

Read the LCRA Flood Operations Report for more details.

1 thought on “National Weather Service: Sunshine is coming, but first, more rain in the forecast

  1. Given the tremendous amount of large debri that has gone into lake LBJ (water craft, docks, 2900 bridge along with about 8 large light fixtures in that bridge) – I find it hard to believe authorities would consider opening the lake for recreational purposes so soon.

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