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What to do if you’ve found a boat or other property in the floods

This boat washed up during flooding in Kingsland. Staff photo by David Bean

This boat washed up during flooding in Kingsland. Staff photo by David Bean

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has an online database to help locate owners of boats or other water recreational vehicles that have been washed away by floodwaters. Search the database by vehicle registration number (on the side after “TX”) and find the owner’s name and address.

Also, residents may call the Horseshoe Bay Police Department at (830) 598-2633 from 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. to report watercraft that have washed ashore on Lake LBJ. Provide a brief description of the vessel as well as the registration number on either side of it.

If you’ve found someone else’s property — or have lost something — the Hill Country Builders Association has set up the Operation Lost & Found bulletin board. (The association is not responsible for lost, stolen, or misrepresented property posted on the board.)

There is also a Facebook group, Highland Lakes Flood 2018 Lost and Found, where people can post photos of property they have found or lost.