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Johnson and Lakeside parks suffer thousands of dollars in damages from flood

One of the two pecan trees lost at Johnson Park because of flooding Oct. 16. This tree was growing near the Johnson Park amphitheater and the boat ramp on Backbone Creek. Staff photo by Jennifer Fierro

One of the two pecan trees lost at Johnson Park because of flooding Oct. 16. This tree was growing near the Johnson Park amphitheater and the boat ramp on Backbone Creek. Staff photo by Jennifer Fierro


The Marble Falls Parks and Recreation Department has been busy assessing damage to city parks from flooding Oct. 16.

The parks aren’t completely closed, said Parks and Recreation Department Director Robert Moss, but he noted some areas are coned or taped off to visitors.

“Our focus is to continue emergency operations and support and get back to routine as soon as possible,” he said. “I personally am working in our Emergency Operations Center until this operation is terminated.”

Moss said both Johnson and Lakeside parks “were completely inundated.”

The Johnson Park restroom had about 6 feet of water in it, and the park’s amphitheater “was completely under water,” he said.  

Perhaps the biggest losses are two old, irreplaceable pecan trees in Johnson Park. Both of those trees were uprooted due to the extremely soft ground.

“Everything is very wet and muddy,” Moss said.  

The city pool’s pump room also was flooded. The good news, Moss said, is the pool and Lakeside Pavilion did not flood.  

“The flood waters came within a few inches of entering the pool and Lakeside Pavilion,” Moss said.

Projected losses are an estimated $12,000 at Johnson Park and $15,000 at Lakeside Park.

Westside Park, which is on Second Street, simply suffered from debris that needs to be cleaned up, and the Greens Soccer Park, 1201 Sixth St., was unaffected, Moss said.

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