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Llano tax rate and budget move closer to adoption; new alderwoman sworn in


LLANO — At its Aug. 20 regular meeting, Llano City Council moved closer to establishing a tax rate and budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

Because of increased property tax valuations, the council proposed adopting an effective tax rate of $0.68737 per $100 in valuation.

That rate is expected to generate an estimated tax revenue of $1,152,409, according to the city’s budget proposal.

The city’s proposed budget revenues for the general fund are $4,460,259 with total expenditures of $4,260,856 budgeted.

Included in the budget were requests for expenditures from surplus funds in the current budget. City Manager Scott Edmonson said those were granted.

Some of the larger expenditures are:

• two new administrative positions (deputy city secretary and finance department employee) at $110,544 total cost;

• a new patrol unit for the police department at $44,063;

• and roof repairs to the LanTex Theater at $30,000;

The proposed budget can be viewed on the city’s website and is expected to be approved in September.

Also at the meeting, Kara Gilliland was sworn in as alderwoman. She replaces Kathryn Stephenson, who moved out of the city. Gilliland will serve until the May elections. At that time, Edmonson said, the city will hold a special election for a one-year term for the seat vacated by Stephenson.