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Llano crews shut down damaged sewer line spilling into Oatman Creek


LLANO — City of Llano crews were able to shut down a damaged sewer line that was leaking domestic wastewater into Oatman Creek after heavy rainfall Aug. 7 caused flooding that apparently broke the line.

City officials reported the break early Aug. 7. Approximately 150,000 gallons of wastewater spilled into the creek, which flows into the Llano River, about 150 yards from the damaged line.

At about 4 p.m. Aug. 8, city crews were able to divert the wastewater flow into a temporary holding tank and then shut down the damaged sewer line. At about 9 p.m., crews had successfully installed a bypass pump into the holding tank as well as set a temporary “force” line across Oatman Creek.

City officials stated that once the creek and Llano River levels subside, crews will be able to access the damaged line and make permanent repairs.

The city had notified the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Lower Colorado River Authority of the incident.

The city and TCEQ recommends the following:

• Persons using private water supply wells located within a half-mile of the spill site or within a potentially affected area should only use water that has been distilled or boiled at a rolling boil for at least one minute for all personal uses, including drinking, cooking, bathing, and brushing teeth. Individuals with private water wells should have their well water tested and disinfected, if necessary, prior to discontinuing distillation and boiling.

• Persons who purchase water from a public water supply should contact their water supply distributor to determine if the water is safe for personal use.

• The public should avoid contact with waste material, soil, or water in the area potentially affected by the spill.

• If the public comes into contact with waste material, soil, or water potentially affected by the spill, they should bathe and wash clothes as soon as possible.

Go or call (325) 247-4158 for more information.