Marble Falls rolling out The Greens ‘carpet;’ soccer field ready soon

City of Marble Falls workers have already flattened the land and marked off where the new field at The Greens soccer complex on Avenue K will be located. Part of the challenge for the employees was keeping the trees that offer that shade intact. Staff photo by Jennifer Fierro
MARBLE FALLS — Granite Country Youth Soccer Association athletes will have a new field to play on when the season begins in the fall of 2017.
The Marble Falls Parks and Recreation Department announced it will finish the field, located on the corner of Avenue K and Sixth Street, by the end of July.
The grass field will be 60 yards by 100 yards with a playing surface of 40 yards by 80 yards and fully irrigated. The association approved the size of the playing field.
The city is using a type of Bermuda grass that is found on golf courses across the state, Marble Falls Parks and Recreation Director Robert Moss said.
“It can take high traffic if maintained appropriately,” he said.
The turf will be unrolled using a tractor because it’ll be faster for the living grass.
“We’ll lift it off and roll it out,” Moss said. “The intention is to have it playable by the fall.”
Cost of the new field is $40,000, and funding came from the city’s water/wastewater department. The project was eligible for funding because it uses effluent water, Assistant City Manager Caleb Kraenzel said.
The water/wastewater department is installing the irrigation system for the new field as well.
The street department has done all the dirt work, which includes leveling the site and spreading the top soil.
The parks department will assist in installing the turf and irrigation system.
“We’re all going to be out there putting it on,” Moss said.
Trees make up a element of this part of The Greens complex, but Moss said city workers aren’t planning to disturb them.
“There are beautiful oaks we don’t want to cut down,” he said.